From the category archives:

Our Little Town

Be a Partner of Hancock

May 12, 2009

I am proud to be a partner with so many who share the interest of fostering and promoting the economic and social growth of the Greater Hancock, New York area. As an outgrowth of this desire the Hancock Partners Inc. was formed and is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Since its formation in 2003, the Hancock […]

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Eagle Scout – a leader for tomorrow

May 10, 2009

“The Boy Scouts of America is one of the nation’s largest and most prominent values-based youth development organizations.” The highest rank of Scouting is the Eagle Scout which requires among many other challenges, the successful completion of the Eagle Leadership Project. As the name suggests, the purpose of the Eagle Project is to demonstrate leadership. […]

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Scouting – The Big Apple

April 26, 2009

Hancock NY – Boy Scout Troop 74 and Cub Scout Pack 75 took a joint day trip to see a piece of the “Big Apple” today. We spent this beautiful day as a Troop and a Pack visiting the Bronx Zoo. What a great opportunity to share with friends! I again want to say how […]

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RE: Organic Farming near US

April 16, 2009

Below is an article I received about a local Organic farm. I thought I would spread the word. Mountain Dell Farm – 607-467-4034 (Roods Creek Hancock NY)

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NYRI – To be or not to be? Not we hope!

April 7, 2009

Well – NYRI may be close to death but since they worded their actions as only “suspending” rather then withdrawing their application we all need to be attentive. Here is their letter to the Judge.

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Victory for Hancock NY on the fight to stop NYRI

April 4, 2009

NYRI has waived the white Flag. Victory for Hancock NY on the fight to stop NYRI In my capacity at The Family Foundation School, through my involvement with The Hancock Partners, and finally because the 190 mile power line could have cost me my actual home, I am delighted. Thank you to Senator John Bonacic, […]

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NYRI – Dead or Dying – Hancock Binghamton The Delaware River Safe

April 4, 2009

“Wonders of Wonders – Miracles of Miracles” (fiddler on the roof) or as Senator Charles E. Schumer said in a comment to news reporters – “Ding Dong the Witch is dead” (Wizard of Oz) – I am referring to NYRI’s withdrawal of the application to build the 190 mile power line through Hancock NY. We […]

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NYRI – A real threat to our town

April 3, 2009

On April 28th the Public Service Commission (PSC) along with members of the Communities Against Regional Interconnect (CARI) and administrative Law Judges will be stopping by Hancock and in particular stopping to see The Family Foundation School. They wish to see the sites in our area that will be impacted by the construction of the […]

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Baseball – Yankees & Mets

March 31, 2009

Baseball! Here in Hancock we are only a few hours away from New York City where we can see the Yankees and / or the Mets play. Also, we are only 1 hour away from Binghamton NY where the Mets AAA team plays or we can go an hour to Scranton PA where we can […]

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March 28, 2009

Hancock New York, located at the foothills of the Catskill Mountains in Delaware County New York, is a beautiful place to live. We get the best of all seasons in my opinion. Here is an example of the diversity and proximity of activities in the Catskills. Now is Springtime, the beginning of the growing season […]

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