Sunshine, Music & SERVICE – Memorial Day in Hancock

by mikea44646 on May 30, 2009

Happy Memorial Day – (Week) –

Last Weekend was the Memorial Day celebration Spring Festival here in Hancock New York. What a great time we had. The Hancock Partners with the help of community members created an opportunity for sharing and honoring our men and woman in uniform.

Here we see students from the local therapeutic boarding school, The Family Foundation School, joining their talents to the celebration. The songs and selections performed by the Family Singers varied in style and focus but all centered on the theme of brotherly love and patriotism. The forty-minute show was well attended and a tribute to our service men and women as well as America, itself.

As a footnote, the backdrop to the event is the dilapidated site of the former Great American supermarket. One of the missions of the Hancock Partners’ project is to convert the entire one-acre lot into a town square. As you watch the video, try to imagine that behind them, rather than the boarded up building, see a large green space with trees, a garden path, possibly a bandstand, benches and other facilities.

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Fire in Hancock - Setback or Opportunity?
July 15, 2009 at 12:08 pm

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