Thoughts about “Worry”

by mikea44646 on August 10, 2009

Worry is an exaggerated sense of one’s own responsibility.  We are in reality powerless over everything but ourselves and, therefore, to worry is to practice a belief that we are more powerful than we are. 


Worry is the responsibility or property of management.  Ours is the footwork.  This is true with my role as a parent. As I have share with Parents of students at The Family Foundation School – a school for troubled and angry teenswe parents cannot control our children; we can only set limits and lead by example and teach by example.  The results are up to them and God.


Gimicks or expressions that help me:


If we’re going to worry, then why pray?  And if we’re praying, then why worry? The result is going to be in God’s hands. 


God never gives us more than we can handle.  The same idea modified –


God doesn’t give us what we can handle…God helps us handle what we are given.


– That’s it!


A final thought about worry from Dorothy Ray: “Worry cold be considered insulting to God; when I worry, it is as if I do not trust God or as if I am competing with God. This is a “gimmick” that I use to help alleviate some of my anxiety”.



{ 2 comments… read them below or add one }

Reggie Kieserman January 17, 2010 at 5:31 am

M wonderful Dad, who was a pharmacist for 53 years, would tell his customers that “a day worried is a day not lived”.
Worrying does not empty tomorrow of its troubles—
It robs today of its strength!


mikea44646 January 17, 2010 at 3:06 pm


Thank you for sharing your father’s wisdom – Universally true and particularly helpful in the world today.

All the best to Bob & Ben

~ Mike


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