That is in part what Scouting is about. Tonight at the WEBELOS Den meeting of Pack 75 of Hancock NY I worked with a few boys in learning and understanding the Boy Scout Promise, the Boy Scout Law, the Boy Scout Motto, and the Boy Scout Slogan.
In teaching these I am reminded that “Character” is learned – by role models, by formal instruction, and through experiential learning and practice.
At The Family Foundation School, where I work, we also have a Scouting and Venturing programs. These offer troubled teen girls and boy students additional ways in which they can practice the virtues or ideals that contribute to the quality of one’s character. These are importent priciples or living skills for a young person on their way to responsible adulthood.
Next month two of the WEBELOS from pack 75 will cross over to Boy Scout Troop 74. As part of their preparation they are beginnig to answer these questions from the Scout Promise, Law, Motto, Oath:
1. On my honor – How do we define “honor”?
2. I will do my best – What do we mean by “Do My Best”?
3. To do my duty to God and my Country – What is meant by “Duty to God”?
4. What is meant by “Duty to my Country”?
5. To obey the Scout Law – What does, “To obey the Scout Law,” mean?
6. To help other people at all times – What does “To help other people” mean to a Scout?
7. To keep myself physically strong – What does this phrase mean to a Scout?
8. Mentally awake – What does mentally awake mean to a Scout?
9. Morally straight – What does morally straight mean to a Scout?
10. Be Prepared – What does the Scout motto mean?
11. What does the Scout sign signify?
12. Why is there a Scout salute?
13. A Scout is trustworthy – Define trustworthy in relation to what a Scout is.
14. A Scout is loyal – To whom is a Scout loyal?
15. A Scout is helpful – How is a Scout helpful?
16. A Scout is friendly – How is a Scout friendly?
17. A Scout is courteous – Define courteous.
18. A Scout is kind – Which of the sentences below best illustrates that a Scout is kind?
19. A Scout is obedient – Define obedient in relation to a Scout.
20. A Scout is cheerful – Why should a Scout be cheerful?
21. A Scout is thrifty – What is thrifty?
22. A Scout is brave – How is a Scout brave?
23. A Scout is clean – What does it mean to be clean?
24. A Scout is reverent – Explain what is meant by a reverent Scout.